Kitchen Art - to explore the medium and to create something for this show at the school. I actually enjoyed the process because I practice'd drawing lines into the encaustic and then trying different methods to create a variety of line. I love the layers reacting to each other. I was not so pleased with the scripting of text but I think if I carved rather than wrote the text I may get a better end result. I am not sure about adding text/typography into my encaustic artwork like I have with my collages....need to think of how to do it
Please come to this show too - in order of priority, would love it if you looked at the first show at the Loading Dock, it runs until 12/7 and is the first of the series of Holocaust work; the drawing at CCDS is fun; this one is just an encaustic sample but fun as well. CCDS show runs until 12/13 and this one runs until 12/7. Constructive comments always welcome.